Free event, open to the public!
Join us for a free panel discussion about how families help their children with special needs understand their disability and how this may evolve as they get older.
Featured Panelists:
- School Psychologist Rachel Vorkink (Moderator)
- Classroom Teacher Katie Norregaard
- Social Emotional Instructor Aly Robinson
When: Thursday, November 10, 3-4 p.m.
Where: Cotting School
453 Concord Avenue, Lexington, MA
If you are unable to attend in person, you may also tune into this event via live stream on YouTube with this link:
Link to handouts:
If you plan to attend and would like to request an interpreter, please let us know. To RSVP for this event, please contact Director of Marketing & Communications Amanda Balagur at or 781-862-7323 ext.205.