Transitional Programming

Cotting partners with each student to think holistically about their vision for their future: independent living, employment, self-determination, social recreation, housing, transportation, Activities of Daily Living, self-awareness, positive identity development, community engagement, and relationships.

Transition is an integral part of every student’s experience at Cotting, regardless of age. It is intended to propel students’ self-development as they work towards their vision for the future and purposeful engagement beyond Cotting.

The exploration of identity, self-awareness and self-determination is necessary to support social and emotional development and setting realistic goals. Cotting’s expanded curriculum, beginning in Lower School, explores themes related to independence, resilience, self-advocacy and the ability to navigate one’s community.

In-house job opportunities to introduce and reinforce course learning and generalize skill instruction

Pre-vocational and vocational courses, supported through the Vocational Department

Transition skill instruction woven throughout the classroom curriculum

Self-determination curriculum and skill building

Evidence-based social emotional curricula, such as Zones of Regulation

Introductory skill-building and post-secondary preparatory courses for students for whom post-secondary education is a goal

Formal and informal skill assessment to determine student skill levels and long-range interests and goals

Integrated therapies with a focus on functional skills to increase independence and participation

Community inclusion and instruction

Project Bridges, our volunteer-based off-site work program, coordinated through our Vocational Department

Exploration of interests and passions via specials, electives and opportunities outside of the school day, fueled by student input