Every student has a unique journey to Cotting.
Learn more about Cotting School by calling, attending an information session, scheduling a tour and/or following our social media.
Work with your school district to send us a referral packet.
Our Admissions Team reviews the referral packet.
Our Admissions Team decides we may be able to meet your student's needs.
We will invite you and your students to meet the Cotting team and share more information.
If we determine it’s an appropriate match, we will notify you and your district of the student’s acceptance.
We will determine a mutually agreeable start date and establish a transition plan.
Our Admissions Team decides we are not able to meet your student's needs at this time.
You will be notified of our decision and may receive additional resources for your search.
Please contact us if you have questions.
Elizabeth Fay Russell, M.A., CAGS
Director of Admissions
781.862.7323 x114