We provide highly specialized classroom instruction for students who are preschool and elementary age, driven by the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and students’ individualized needs. During their regular schedule, students enjoy a variety of specials, such as adaptive physical education and art, integrated therapies and social and emotional learning opportunities.
Highlights of Our Week - Lower School
Morning meeting helps to set the stage for the day.
Lower School students enjoy literacy instruction in multiple formats.
Students enjoy exploring their creativity in Performing Arts and other specials.
Adaptive Physical Education is a great way to keep students moving and build collaboration and teamwork skills.
Students work on developing foundational math skills through interactive learning.
While students enjoy lunch, they also practice a variety of social and therapeutic skills.
Science lessons are engaging and meaningful for students at all levels.
Through direct service, students who require specialized therapies address targeted goals.
In an effort to promote independence, therapeutic skills are practiced and supported throughout a student's school day.
Students come together again at the end of the day to wrap up before dismissal.