Family Support & Community Engagement

Family Support & Community Engagement

At Cotting, family support and community engagement play a critical role in nurturing a community of belonging; one in which the humanity and potential of each student is valued, and the experience of each family is appreciated and honored. These guiding principles promote a culture of mutual sharing and learning marked by curiosity, respect and generosity among all community members.

Two long-established parent organizations provide further opportunities for engagement and participation:

The Cotting Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) gets together monthly and is guided by our community values of collaboration and teamwork. PAC meetings are dedicated times for Cotting administrators and parents to meet, share information and experience, and get to know and work with each other. All Cotting parents and guardians are welcome to attend and contribute items for meeting agendas.

The Cotting School PTO, Inc., is a parent-run 501(c)3 organization established to plan activities that support the experience of community at our school. Its mission is to foster parent-to-parent connections and provide enrichment opportunities for students, families and staff. Many PTO events have become annual Cotting traditions, including the Fall Family BBQ, Trunk ‘r Treat, Holiday Marketplace, Book Fair, local parent meetups and staff appreciation events. All Cotting families enjoy automatic membership in the PTO.

Families with students currently enrolled at Cotting School can learn more on our Parent Portal.

Meaningful connections with other families

Warm welcome, information, support

Local/statewide activities and services for students and families

Collaboration around family stress points