Event Series Cotting School Weekly Parent Group

Cotting School Weekly Parent Group

Via Zoom

This group, facilitated by Family Support Coordinator Pam Varrin, meets remotely and is a regularly scheduled supportive space for Cotting parents to take a few moments for themselves, share information, and find connection and perspective. Join us each week, come when you can or drop in any time to see what it’s like! A reminder and...

Event Series PTO Monthly Meeting

PTO Monthly Meeting

building entrance

We are always looking to welcome new faces and input at our monthly hybrid PTO Board meetings, held the first Friday of each month from 9-10 a.m. You can either attend in person in the Board Room at Cotting School or online via Zoom.

Event Series Cotting School Weekly Parent Group

Cotting School Weekly Parent Group

Via Zoom

This group, facilitated by Family Support Coordinator Pam Varrin, meets remotely and is a regularly scheduled supportive space for Cotting parents to take a few moments for themselves, share information, and find connection and perspective. Join us each week, come when you can or drop in any time to see what it’s like! A reminder and...

Back to School Night

The evening will include a chance for parents and caregivers to meet our leadership team, dedicated time in classrooms, an open house in our therapy department and an informational fair in the gym. If you would like to request childcare for Back to School Night, please use this link: BTSN Childcare Request Schedule: 6:00-6:20: Welcome...

Event Series Cotting School Weekly Parent Group

Cotting School Weekly Parent Group

Via Zoom

This group, facilitated by Family Support Coordinator Pam Varrin, meets remotely and is a regularly scheduled supportive space for Cotting parents to take a few moments for themselves, share information, and find connection and perspective. Join us each week, come when you can or drop in any time to see what it’s like! Zoom link:

Event Series PAC Meeting

PAC Monthly Meeting

Hybrid (In person and on Zoom)

The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) serves as a source of thoughtful feedback on what parents are thinking about, and as an important sounding board for Cotting School administrators. We are always looking to welcome new faces and input at our monthly hybrid PAC meetings, held on a Friday every month (except in June) from 9-10...

Event Series Cotting School Weekly Parent Group

Cotting School Weekly Parent Group

Via Zoom

This group, facilitated by Family Support Coordinator Pam Varrin, meets remotely and is a regularly scheduled supportive space for Cotting parents to take a few moments for themselves, share information, and find connection and perspective. Join us each week, come when you can or drop in any time to see what it’s like! Zoom link:

Event Series Information Session

Information Session

Cotting School Auditorium Concord Avenue, Lexington, MA, United States

Tour our campus, visit our classrooms and talk to Cotting School professionals at our monthly information sessions. If you plan to attend and would like to request an interpreter, please let us know. Walk-ins are always welcome! Private tours are available by request. To RSVP for an information session, set up a private tour or...

Trunk or Treat

Cotting Campus (Outdoors)

While this event ultimately didn’t take place last year due to poor weather conditions, we fondly remember the success of the first annual Trunk or Treat event in 2023. An evening of trick or treating, safely contained in Cotting’s parking lot, with creatively decorated trunks, costumes, candy, music and more. Don’t miss it this year!

Event Series PTO Monthly Meeting

PTO Monthly Meeting

building entrance

We are always looking to welcome new faces and input at our monthly hybrid PTO Board meetings, held the first Friday of each month from 9-10 a.m. You can either attend in person in the Board Room at Cotting School or online via Zoom. Zoom link:  

Event Series Cotting School Weekly Parent Group

Cotting School Weekly Parent Group

Via Zoom

This group, facilitated by Family Support Coordinator Pam Varrin, meets remotely and is a regularly scheduled supportive space for Cotting parents to take a few moments for themselves, share information, and find connection and perspective. Join us each week, come when you can or drop in any time to see what it’s like! Zoom link: